The Colorful World of Owari Shippo

Infused with Traces of Its Castle History
The studio of Katoshippo Works can be found in the historic Nishi Ward of Nagoya. This area, with the majestic Nagoya Castle as a stunning backdrop, has retained a strong connection with its feudal past. Over 400 years ago, as the castle town was being built, merchants gathered here to efficiently supply the castle community with basic provisions including rice, soybeans and sake.
The character of that old castle town remains visible today along the Shikemichi heritage street where traditional warehouses and homes from the Edo period house modern-day shops and cafes. The nearby Horikawa River, famous for cherry blossoms in the springtime, is just as bustling and lively as when merchant boats used to haul supplies to the castle long ago.

Historical Heartland of Shippo
Shippo, widely known as “cloisonne", is an ancient handicraft where metal objects are decorated with colored enamel. The Japanese term Shippo refers to the “seven treasures” in Buddhist scriptures that were also admired for their great beauty. Shippo has been unearthed in Japan going back to the 7th century, although it didn’t spread widely until a craftsman in Nagoya discovered manufacturing techniques around 1833. The region quickly became the center of Shippo production and developed a distinctive style known as Owari Shippo.
Katoshippo Works was launched in 1947 by Ryozo Kato, who was attracted to the sheer beauty of Owari Shippo and devoted his efforts to mastering the difficult “Akasuke style” with its ruby red colors. Over the years, under the passionate leadership of his son Katsumi Kato, Katoshippo Works continued to refine its techniques and expand its collection with a broad range of styles. And in 2010, Katsumi Kato became certified as the first traditional craftsman in the Owari Shippo industry.
Today, the company is led by Yoshiro Kato, a third-generation craftsman with formal training in Fine Arts. He has also been certified as a traditional craftsman and continues to promote the traditions of Owari Shippo while eagerly searching for new product ideas.

Delicate Beauty with Strong Foundations
Owari Shippo is quite simply remarkable. The designs are enchanting. The colors are vibrant. The finish is silky smooth. These characteristics create a distinctive look and feel that sets Owari Shippo apart from pottery and even other Shippo styles.
The designs of Katoshippo Works are clean and simple – often depicting birds, butterflies, flowers and stylish motifs. Deep rich colors set the artistic tone of each Owari Shippo creation. Yet the tone is more than just the color palette. It’s also the magical transitions that add depth to an image as colors smoothly change shades within the silver wireframe.
Katoshippo Works has always been devoted to perfecting its skills and methods. Consider the challenge of producing “Shotai Shippo,” translated literally as Shippo without a womb, where the inner base is removed, leaving just the fragile outer enamel. It’s a particularly complicated Shippo style with a typical failure rate of 70%, even for skilled craftsmen. However, Katshippo Works dramatically improved its success rate over the years by meticulously reviewing all the production steps, from drawing and coloring to firing and polishing.
A guiding principle at Katoshippo Works is to constantly search for innovative ways of using Owari Shippo. This avant-garde approach has led to exciting creations such as nail art, wash basins and smartphone covers that showcase enduring Owari Shippo techniques. As Yoshiro Kato emphasizes, “Give birth to the new while assimilating the old.”

For Customers
Elegance that Commands Attention
Katoshippo Works produces a wide range of elegant Owari Shippo products, from traditional vases to original creations that blend beautifully with our daily lifestyles.
Decorative vases are a simple way to make any space in your home more visually attractive. Consider a vase at the entrance where guests arrive, on a coffee table in the living room where friends gather, or on a shelf where it appears like a picture hanging on the wall. But for the strongest impact, consider it as a centerpiece on the dining room table where a vase can become the focal point for dinner guests all around the table – with or without flowers.
Katoshippo Works has also introduced fashion accessories that bring the beauty of traditional Owari Shippo products closer to modern everyday life. Pendants, in particular, can jazz up your fashion style with unique shapes, striking designs and pastel colors. These soft yet vibrant colors are easily coordinated with any wardrobe and display refined beauty at casual and formal occasions.
2009 Restoration of "Giboshi" at Taikyokuden (Heijokyo Ruins)
2013 Good Design Award for the product “Matou"
2018 Certified as a traditional craftsman